
Jolie Gear


What made you pick this particular course/尤物社?
I was interested in gaining experience and learning about the management of businesses.

What did/do you most enjoy about studying at 尤物社?
I have enjoyed meeting new people, the supportive assessors, detailed lectures and gaining experience in the outside world through the apprenticeship.

Did you undertake any work experience throughout your studies?
I am working at Earth Inspired Ltd as part of my apprenticeship.

What do you plan to do when you leave 尤物社?
I plan on working full time at my current employment.

Any advice for someone thinking of choosing the same course as you?
Choose the correct employer for you, making sure there is good support and communication.


Level 3 Business Administrator Apprenticeship

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I have enjoyed meeting new people, the supportive assessors, detailed lectures and gaining experience in the outside world through the apprenticeship.