
HomeCoursesA LevelsCreative Industries A Levels

Creative Industries A Levels

Develop your talent, creativity, imagination and confidence.

Three students with their artwork

Industry leading courses

The creative industries employ over two million people in the UK alone and offer an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with a huge variety of professional disciplines in everything from advertising and film-making to dance and theatre.

By choosing to study an art, craft and design A Level, you will open a door into this exciting, imaginative and rapidly evolving industry. Whatever your interests, working in the creative sector offers an incredible and inspiring variety of career options that could take you around the globe.

Our creative industry A Level courses will help you to develop your talent, creativity and imagination - as well as your confidence. You'll lead projects, explore innovative new technology, and find ways to communicate your ideas and stories.

You鈥檒l gain a broad understanding of a wide range of topics which will give you a greater insight into the many career pathways available to you, whether that's a self-employed artiste or working as part of a team or ensemble.

You may wish to further develop your skills as passions through our Creative Industries Academy.

"I've been given the freedom to study the things I'm interested in by teachers who are clearly interested in the subjects they teach."


A Level Art & Design

Featured Creative Industry courses

UKs Creative Industries contributes almost 拢13m to the economy evey hour

拢13 million


Graphic Designer industry has grown by 2% between 2018 and 2023

2% growth


An image of some stacked coins
Average salary for a Graphic Artist



Why 尤物社 should be your first choice

尤物社 offers high quality education and training across North and Mid Devon. We provide outstanding learning, excellent facilities, strong connections to employers and a supportive environment to help you fulfil your education goals and set you on your path to the career of your dreams.

A group of 尤物社 students having a conversation


We offer a supportive and inclusive environment where you can flourish and feel a valued member of the college and wider community.聽


Our teaching spaces and facilities are some of the best in the region, providing stimulating and true-to-life learning environments.聽


We鈥檒l provide you with the experiences you need to be ready for employment or the next step on your educational journey.